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PicksInSix Review: Revolution - A Red Orchid Theatre


REVOLUTION’s Natalie West: “True comic acting.”
PicksInSix® Review | Guest Contributor | Ronald Keaton

There’s a play running now through October 29 at A Red Orchid Theatre on Wells—”Revolution.” It’s a piece written by the fine writer and teacher Brett Neveu, and the play and story themselves become a real subject of conversation; they ask a lot of questions.  Mr. Neveu does so in touching on a great many different subjects along the way of its tightly-drawn 90-minute run. I enjoyed it muchly, don’t get me wrong here.  I’d recommend it to any aspiring playwright who wants to see how a first-rate writer can put together dialogue and conversation in an economic way, while still making its point.

Two friends, Puff and Jame, have just gotten off work and are in the back alley of the hair salon they work at together, a business called Revolution Cuts.  It really should be a celebratory moment for Puff.  She has just been promoted to salon manager. Today is her birthday and yet she seems unable to enjoy and celebrate the moment.  Puff (a strongly etched portrayal by Stephanie Shum) is a child of neuroses, as Mr. Neveu sees her.  Anxiety-ridden, with a fair lack of self-confidence, always asking the questions that push both these factors to the fore in her life.

Her best friend Jame, whose humor and lightness constantly supports Puff in the quest for calm, is an ever-present influence of wonder and positivity (in a charming, knowing performance by Taylor Blim).  The give-and-take between these characters shows Mr. Neveu at his best—sharp, sometimes repetitive, always encapsulating the generational feel of particular misgivings that often accompanies people in their 20s, starting out in life.

I say generational because now comes a twist in the story with the introduction of Georgia, a 50-something employee at a Ross store in the same mall.  Georgia (a pitch-perfect offering of true comic acting from Natalie West) is one of those folks we all know who doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere, and she longs for it.  So she hangs out with Puff and Jame, telling stories that may or may not be true, wanting to be a part of the celebration, so she can find a way to distract herself from her own difficult life at home and at work. Director Travis A. Knight allows and encourages this uneasy-at-first melding of disparate minds to find their way to a common purpose, and it’s smooth and well done. But what that purpose is becomes the job of the audience to absorb and observe. And it magnifies a bit of the problem with the play for this writer.

There are lots of questions on several topics that affect the angst here:  Growing older. How to face your fears on a daily basis.  Making new friendships, while being loyal to those already in your life. Dwelling on life choices, wondering if they were the right ones. Dealing with regret and how it affects our lives.  All these ideas are righteously presented. The problem is that there aren’t many answers to digest; certainly there’s not that much of an attempt to do so, it seems.

But then again, maybe that’s the point.  Jame has taken on the role of being the rock for Puff in those panic-influenced moments, and she seems to do so gladly, as Georgia continually lobs little emotional one-liner distractions into the equation.  These are all ideas that we deal with in our lives.  Some are magnified more than others, depending on the circumstance. And remember, all this lands in the middle of what is to be a celebratory time.  In the middle of an alley after work.  It’s a little uneven and unfinished.  But boy, is it fascinating to watch and take in.

GUEST CONTRIBUTOR | RONALD KEATON received an Equity Jeff Award for the performance of his one-man show CHURCHILL.  Coming soon, his new solo play “Echo Holler.”
PHOTO|Evan Hanover

A Red Orchid Theatre

World Premiere
1531 N Wells St, Chicago
through October 29

(312) 943-8722
For more reviews, visit: Theatre In Chicago


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